
Methodical agility.

The Scrum method allows you to have complete control over your project, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. By incorporating elements of this method into our digital projects, we deliver results with no surprises.

You will be involved in all key phases, from ideation to online publication, ensuring that every decision aligns with your expectations. Our agile approach eliminates the inefficiencies of traditional project management, offering clear steps, regular iterations, and fluid decision-making.

The proof in pictures

Let's meet and talk about it.

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Facilitating exchanges and interactions among project stakeholders is the core purpose of the agile method. This approach aligns visions, defines priorities, and ensures that every aspect of the project reflects the collective input of everyone involved.


At Dux Center, we implement agile through frameworks like Scrum and tools inspired by the KANBAN method. This includes daily check-ins between creatives, project managers, and technical teams, breaking down tasks to maintain a prioritized backlog, and conducting regular demos to showcase your site’s progress at the end of each development sprint.


Agile project management is key to ensuring that all stakeholders are satisfied, as they remain engaged and informed at every stage of the project. The wireframes and UX design phase are developed through co-creation workshops, ensuring that all user needs are considered. The site content is also defined collaboratively to establish an optimal architecture and information hierarchy.


During the UI design phase, your involvement continues, allowing the project to evolve based on feedback and iterations. The agile method emphasizes collaboration, with the Scrum framework centering on people—the team—and we aim to keep them at the heart of our projects.